This is not the first time I've noticed sexism in the classroom. I remember in eigth grade, my male science teacher gave straight A's to the pretty blonde girls who were no better at creating static with balloons in an experiment than the rest of the class was. I hope I'm not the only one who finds that creepy, I mean we were 13.
However, it's not just the male teachers that can be sexist. In my high school spanish class, my teacher totally favored girls. She is the sweetest, most caring teacher I've ever had. She always gave the girls good grades, including me, and I did NOTHING in that class. However, the boys in the class always walked all over her and she got no respect. We probably had Spanish class three times a month because we could complain about our lives and how much homework we had and she would let us go. That would never happen with a male teacher, I believe.
I'm sure that teachers don't realize what they're doing if they happen to favor boys over girls or vice versa in the classroom. I've read that boys get more air time then girls, and girls can charm male teachers into giving them good grades blah blah. But going back to my cinema production class with my chin up gets harder and harder each time. While I appreciate constructive criticism and getting praised on my work only when I've really earned it, I know I'm not the only girl in that class who feels like she can't make good films because she's female and isn't interested in shooting dark, creepy, sad movies about death and stuff.
In class I know we've talked about what women had to go through to even be allowed to go to school and get educated for more than home ec stuff. However I'd be interested to hear what the rest of the class has to say about this aspect of sexism in the classroom.